
All posts tagged grandparents

Don’t Wish It Away

Published January 11, 2014 by mssprinkle


Holy PJs, Batman, those footie pajamas would fit somebody six feet tall!

And he said, “Mom, please don’t.” In a tone that made it clear he was not finding this nearly as amusing as I was.  He is 25, after all, and recently credentialed to practice law.

Today’s zerotohero prompt was about fast-forwarding.    “If you could fast forward to a specific date in the future, when would it be?”  Funny, at first it made me think more about rewinding.  If I could go back… that little boy in his batman costume sure was fun! At the time, it was exhausting to be the mother of preschoolers, but now I realize the freedom I had to just while away whole days PLAYING.  Why didn’t I appreciate that at the time?  Why was it that I thought I wanted them to just get old enough to do SOMETHING for themselves?!?  I have a great sense of the things I rushed, that I did wrong, of the things I failed to appreciate, of regret…

HOLD IT!  We interrupt this lament to remind everyone that this post is actually supposed to be about fast forwarding!  Enough with the sappy melancholy!

We now return to our regularly scheduled post, already in progress.

This must be part of what makes being a grandparent so awesome!  I imagine the fun I shall have with those children!  The glorious, joyful play without regret!  Bring on the grandchildren!

If I could fast forward to one specific day, it would be the first day of my oldest grandchild’s kindergarten spring break.  I shall gather up Mom and Dad, leave the younger siblings with the other grandparents, and whisk this first one off to Disneyworld!  I hope my boy, who is now six-foot-four, gets to look down a Disney street and see his five-year-old sparkling with the same amazed delight that he exuded when he saw THE REAL NINJA TURTLES for the first time.  That his sister sparkled with when the parade Princess danced with her. And this time, I will have no thought of naps or sunscreen (that’s why the mama and daddy are there, after all).  I will just bask in the the happiness and pray for a slow-motion button to make my fast-forward moment last.